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4 days ago

🌈🍀💚🧡🍀💚🧡Happy Friday from The Arts Bus where Lucky Gonks have taken over the puppet factory! This week & next, over 200 kids will assemble their own lucky gonks from our classes & kits -- bringing all kinds of magic to Central Vermont!
#ArtsBusVT #artsbus White River Valley School @followers Vermont Children's Trust Foundation Turrell Fund Vermont Creative Network The Vermont Arts Council
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🌈🍀💚🧡🍀💚🧡Happy Friday from The Arts Bus where Lucky Gonks have taken over the puppet factory! This week & next, over 200 kids will assemble their own lucky gonks from our classes & kits -- bringing all kinds of magic to Central Vermont!
#ArtsBusVT #artsbus White River Valley School @followers Vermont Childrens Trust Foundation Turrell Fund Vermont Creative Network The Vermont Arts Council
2 weeks ago

Hole-y Hinges, Botman! This month over 200 robots were built in Vermont by the newest generation of creative inventors with The Arts Bus! At afterschool programs in Chelsea, Tunbridge, Bethel, Strafford, South Royalton, Stockbridge, Rochester and Randolph, we watched an array of articulated androids emerge from very clever minds. Equipped with metallic paper robots to cut out and color, the kids practiced their scissor skills and then learned about using split pins, pivot points and flexible joints. It was a joy to see imagination expansion as the children added accessories, tools, flowers & mini-bots to their robots -- and bring them to life with silly voices, poses and animation!
Vermont Children's Trust Foundation The Vermont Arts Council Turrell Fund First Branch Unified District White River Valley Supervisory Union Town of Bethel, Vermont Chelsea Vermont Arts The Newton School Vermont Afterschool Vermont Crafts Council Randolph Elementary School Randolph Vibe #ArtsBusVT #artsbus #KidsArt #februaryart #Vermont #afterschool #afterschoolart South Royalton Billboard Brookfield Elementary School Town of Braintree Vermont Bethel VT Community Forum White River Valley School Randolph Sunrise Rotary Club Rochester Stockbridge Schools Town of Randolph VT Vermont Public Vermont Creative Network
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Hole-y Hinges, Botman! This month over 200 robots were built in Vermont by the newest generation of creative inventors with The Arts Bus! At afterschool programs in Chelsea, Tunbridge, Bethel, Strafford, South Royalton, Stockbridge, Rochester and Randolph, we watched an array of articulated androids emerge from very clever minds. Equipped with metallic paper robots to cut out and color, the kids practiced their scissor skills and then learned about using split pins, pivot points and flexible joints. It was a joy to see imagination expansion as the children added accessories, tools, flowers & mini-bots to their robots -- and bring them to life with silly voices, poses and animation! 
Vermont Childrens Trust Foundation The Vermont Arts Council Turrell Fund First Branch Unified District White River Valley Supervisory Union Town of Bethel, Vermont Chelsea Vermont Arts The Newton School Vermont Afterschool Vermont Crafts Council Randolph Elementary School Randolph Vibe  #ArtsBusVT #artsbus #KidsArt #februaryart #Vermont #afterschool #afterschoolart South Royalton Billboard Brookfield Elementary School Town of Braintree Vermont Bethel VT Community Forum White River Valley School Randolph Sunrise Rotary Club Rochester Stockbridge Schools Town of Randolph VT Vermont Public Vermont Creative NetworkImage attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment
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