Just last month, The Arts Bus was the lucky recipient of 46,872 pennies (or $468.72) from The Barn, and that’s a lot of pennies to put towards finding Vermont’s next cathedral ceiling painter, playwright, sculptor or artisan cheese-maker. From just one week of sales revenue, The Barn had a lot to give!
We truly appreciate such a generous gift! The Arts Bus has been going strong for over 10 years and every day we roll, Vermont’s favorite green bus empowers children to find joy & authentic self-expression through the arts. We play, perform, paint, write, speak, sing, dance, shape, color, move in whatever way imaginable with the guide of artist educator musicians, painters, sculptors, drama instructors, weavers, cheese-makers, and legacy craft makers.
With The Barn’s Pennies from Heaven, we will be able to make 2-4 bus stops at public schools, libraries, pools, after-school facilities and summer recreational programs bringing music, theater, dance, pottery, paint to the lives of Vermont’s children!
This we know for certain — there are always more kids and in each of them is an artist looking to express itself. For this, we need pennies from heaven and thank The Barn for them!
The Arts Bus is just about ready to roll into its 2019 Arts Adventure! Want to hop on board this year? Donations of time, skills, materials, money, and in-kind services are ALWAYS welcomed.
- Volunteer
- Artist (Fee & Materials Paid)
- Support Loads of Ways or
- Consider joining the Board of Directors